Sidney A. McNairy III

Now a renowned figure in the wellness industry, Sid has written several books on yoga and meditation, empowering individuals to find discipline and peace in their lives. He is also a sought-after speaker who inspires and empowers audiences around the world with his trainings and presentations on wellness, yoga, meditation, and self-discovery. Sid is known for his ability to connect with his audience and share his knowledge and experience in a relatable and inspiring way.

Here is My Story

To understand my story and know me, I have to say it comes from a simple question of who or what has been the most significant influence on my life. It wasn't the sweetness or the ones who made it easy. It was the people and moments in which I met obstacles and had to step up beyond where I was. It was the more challenging moments that caused me to elevate!

I was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where it seems that to be beautiful is part of being from mixed races. I recall having mirrors all around the walls of my baby crib. I can remember loving playing with the toys and seeing myself in the mirrors. My mom always says I just wanted to be able to play alone and enjoyed being by myself. I was an easy baby. Then came life, moments that came along that caused me to question my love for being myself. My life seemed to be lessons of learning self-love. I recall my first moment of questioning when, to some, I was not white enough and others not black enough. My best friends were twins who at first looked like me. The noticeable shift as we got older was our hair. My curls tightened more than theirs. I recall people saying to them, "You have such good hair." I began questioning whether or not my hair was good enough..


I was also a middle child. It always seems to me that after my brother was born, in my mind, I became a secondary thought. I wanted to prove myself by winning at everything I could. I would look around and see that there were more pictures of my older sister and younger brother than myself. Looking back, I recognize how much my parents took time to make sure I was cared for but because I was the middle child. I felt lost much of the time. I couldn't see it because I had already begun to live in a place of feeling alone, searching for me.

I also spent a lot of time as a kid doing things alone. My parents had made sure we were all four and a half years apart so that they could pay for all of us to go through college, which we did, free of loans. This also meant that we would all go to school alone and fending for ourselves in many ways. I went to a preschool that nuns ran. It was old school, and when someone got in trouble, they were spanked with a ruler by the nuns. I was pretty good at school because I was so scared. When Dad would come to pick me up, he would wonder why I was crying so much and why I always wanted to play alone. Well, I knew why. Who wanted to be spanked? When we would all take naps, I would grab one little girl and hide with her under the cots as soon as another boy, "Pee Cat Charlie' would wet his bed and get taken in to be spanked. I would later learn that I had this calling to protect anyone in need, even if it meant sacrificing myself.



Strike One

The journey of moving north began. After looking around, my dad moved our family to California, back to Baton Rouge, and then to Washington, DC, when I was seven. I went to school and wanted to fit in. I got in with the "cool guys" because I could play sports. Yeah, kids are kids, funny, while hateful, I would get picked early to join teams. Some kids would make fun of my voice as my southern draw was mimicked and shown as lack, and maybe even dumb. I encountered a teacher who told my parents I needed to learn how to read better and suggested I needed to be held back. My parents would not accept that because they knew their son was brilliant.

Looking back on it, it may have helped me evolve socially because I always looked younger than my peers and often felt alone. I even had to face the kids who were jealous of my athletic ability and deal with racism because of it. Being called a nigger when I would take their position on the team or show I was better than them in school. My mom was stylish and always bought us name brand clothing. We got known as the Huckstables, and I was called the "rich black kid that didn't fit in." I tried to dress down to look more like my friends. My white friends wanted to borrow my clothes, and the black kids said that is what the white kids wore.

 This caused me to get many fights to show I was strong enough to be in with everyone. There was one fight with this huge redheaded kid. The crazy thing was I got in trouble because the kid's nose was so shattered after our altercation that his parents pressed charges against my family. I recall not wanting to fight him because I knew I would hurt him, but our gym teacher set up a fight at the power lines behind the school. I stayed late after school, not wanting to go. When I came out, everyone had skipped the buses and waited for me to walk over to the power lines. You were either tough enough, or you got beat up. No one worried about guns, so here we were going to the power lines. I remember saying I don't want to fight you, but I'm going to finish it if you swing first. It was a rule in my house not to start a fight and never lose, especially if they make fun of your mom or get called a nigger. He swung, I ducked and punched him in his face several times. The first punch hit him in his nose, it shattered, and blood went everywhere. I knew that I would get in trouble for having his blood on my new shirt, so then I beat him up even more.


His mom called my mom once I got home. My mom explained that they would be suing my family because, in his mom's mind, I must have been a savage to have beat him so. The next day when I got to school, I saw a lady getting his books out of his locker. I thought this must have been his mom, so I went up to her and apologized because I did not want to fight her son. He had picked on me, and everyone wanted me to fight him. I cried because it wasn't how I wanted to be, yet I did not know another way. Love to me often looked like hurt. I was told, you know, I only do this because I love you, when I got spanked as a kid. Looking back, that made no damn sense. Thank God I broke that pattern with my kids. She hugged me and apologized for her son. Later that day, she called my mom to explain what I had done and that no one that nice could have ever started it and that her son was the problem.

 Here I was feeling hurt because I hurt somebody else. I was sad that I couldn't just be nice because people would take advantage of me. After all, I was smaller. I would get in many fights because people would always try to see if I would be tough. My anger grew so much that it took a long time to recognize that I have a very intimidating demeanor. I discarded my heart for many years as I continued to fight in and out of the ring, even in college. I was eventually fighting with my words when I wasn't sure how to protect my heart. I once had a conversation with my grown son telling me he was scared of me. That was a significant turning point; I had gotten clear enough that he was comfortable enough to tell me the truth. I already knew all too well that most people lie because they feel a need to protect themselves.


Strike Two 

I played three sports, playing soccer in England at 14 years old, and won four state championships in high school. At Purdue University, I wasn't sure which way to go, but I intended to play football. When I got there, many things took place, and I realized I would go back to the game I played the most, soccer. Little did I know this choice would later perplex me. My mind would run in circles like I had a bad program, almost like a glitch in the "matrix." I then transitioned to being a football coach. In the world of football, I felt at times not accepted. Looking back, it was all in my mind. Again, my trust for others would waiver, and I believed no one excepted me. It didn't matter how great my players were, how many wins I would help achieve, how many NFL players I helped produce. I built more walls because of the pains of my past that would destroy the momentum I would make because I couldn't stop the chatter in my mind.

Throughout my career as a football coach, the battles in my mind grew. They grew so much I made decisions against my heart. I jumped into relationships that, deep down, I knew would only go so far. I was married twice during my football career and had a long relationship when I moved into the yoga world. My major wake-up call came when I was coaching at Northern Illinois University. Typically coaches celebrated after scrimmages, and I came home one day a little tipsy. I came in, sat for a minute, and gazed up at the wall. I could see pictures of my family on the wall. Football games and records could date my memories, yet in the moment, I knew I was not clear in my mind. I was in the pictures but not present to the moments. This created a huge shift for me because I realized I was not moving in the direction of the man I wanted to be. I was not happy with what people in my life needed me to be. I had hit spiritual bankruptcy and needed to elevate. 

I found that the most impactful moments came after a big hit came. I would have to recognize that I was the common denominator in my life. I was the one always there, good or bad. I was the one who would set my life in a direction, and I was the one who would have to lift my life up.

When I began to practice yoga, I had asthma and suffered from a fused right ankle. I dug into my yoga practice to find an escape from my physical pains and dis-eases. I would eventually get to a place that I practiced almost every day for 11 years, and for the days I did not practice, I would do two or three practices to make up for it. Yoga began to bring Peace into me and eventually allowed me to dig deeper into my meditation practice. When I would come off the mat, I began to notice I could genuinely see when something outside of me was causing me to give up my power. I wanted it back, and that realization started a journey of healing me. 


I wanted to bring the mental state I could find in sports into my life. I tried to capture a calm mind that would help me find flow. A quiet mind that would allow me to get in the zone and move my life forward to find my highest self. I acknowledged I knew how to win at sports, and now it was time to win at the game of life. When anyone hits that depth inside, I know we can all win at life. Now I know all I do is win.

I classified myself as a serial monogamous because I was looking for something that can only be found inside of me. I would put people in my life that I knew would eventually walk away. I dealt with racism from my in-laws. I also dealt with ageism before anyone even got to know me. When they finally got to know me and decided I was good enough, I was already creating a way out. My relationships were being built on a weak foundation, at best. I would then start to look outside of my relationships to find what I was looking for because it was already lost.

I remember in one of my relationships being told that she would break my heart before I ever even knew if we would continue dating. I remember seeing my thoughts run around, all to protect my heart. My mind's chatter was saying, no, my heart won't be broken. That doesn't happen. I will break her heart first. Everything seemed like a challenge, a challenge that people didn't want to have happen. No one, including myself, wanted to take ownership of how things got to where they were. I found that even after I took responsibility for my life and what I brought to the table, few wanted to look at themselves and see their contribution. That is a large part of the journey to win at life. Clean up your side of the street and let others do theirs. Just maybe, if we all look deep enough and take ownership of our part in the story, things could've been different. After several relationships, I realized something profound. I was the only one who was always in my relationships, so if they weren't working, it was up to me to do the work. Even when others may have said it was all me, I knew that if I pointed one finger at them, there were three more pointing back at me.

Strike Three


In Native American terms, lessons come in four seasons. Much like we have four seasons in a year. When we recognize the pattern and learn the lessons, we can move forward. My lessons are different, and we were all moving through the seasons of our life. We are all seeing the world through our own eyes as a reflection of our minds. The transformations that took place within me have allowed me to win in the game of life.

After three strikes and I was ready for my rebirth. 

Finally, I had to get to know me and what held me back from being the man I was meant to be. I resisted hearing others brag about me. I struggled with hearing my dad say I was great, especially to others. I didn't realize his confidence allowed my father to reach his greatness to step into someone known as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize. He was confident enough to speak up because he walked the walk.

For so many moments, I would put myself in a situation that would stretch my limits. At 24 years old, I welcomed Sidney A. McNairy IV into the world. I knew how to be a great dad, and now I would have to put that to the test. How do you do something well? It is simple. You just do it. At least for me, that is what it meant. Do my best and do it well. No excuses, get it done! At 24 years old, I had many edges to clear to be the man I would want him to reach his potential greatness. I looked around at the male leaders in my life, from head coaches I did not always respect and yogi's living less than I wanted of me, and yet, I still fell into some of the same traps. I had to learn in every way to walk how I wanted and pave new paths that had not been led by most men I had seen. My final shift was to step forward and be the person I want to see in the world.


This is where I am now.

I am a Child of God

I am a great son from the greatness of parents. 

I am a great father to three amazing kids. I have two outstanding young men and a powerful young woman.

I am a great yoga teacher and passed on the practice to those who follow.

I am a great man because I am a husband to the most amazing woman a powerful presence in the world.

I am a great leader. That is why you are here, so let's go!

All I do is win. Let's win at this game called life.

No matter who you are, there is a moment that comes, and you have to step up to the plate. A moment where you take everything you have and go for it. There was that moment, and for me, it was when everything was gone. Lights off in the stadium and no one cheering, yoga studio gone, kids gone, money gone, that is when it all truly began. I had to dig in to find my drive, tap into the discipline I knew in sports, and go after it. I have never believed in plan B because I have plan A. I have the most incredible teammate in God and plan A is where I am headed.

When the teacher is ready, the students will come. I am ready, so let's get to executing your plan A!

 Author of six books, including best-selling Yoga and Life Empowerment, The Warrior Within, Those Who Know God, The Secret Weapon, and The Path to Peace. Coming soon The Autobiography of a Human… a mission of Peace and We All RISE… the Playbook to 100% Peace.

Sid music is a hopy that took him to some big stages: 2006 - present Music Career continues (Find Nahi and Sid McNairy on iTunes and Spotify


Random Facts on Sid

All in, Let’s Win. It’s Time!

Retreats, Workshops, Teaching and Speaking locations: Canada (Alberta, Toronto), Dominican Republic, Italy, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, USA (Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington DC)

2023 - Present Gaia Content Creator

2016 - Present Best Selling Author of Yoga and Life Empowerment, The Warrior Within, The Secret Weapon, Those Who Know God, Empowerment & Beyond, The Path To Peace Author Page

2006 - present Music Career continues (Find Nahi and Sid McNairy on iTunes and Spotify)

2021 - Present International Best Selling Author of two books: My Two Cents on Self Love / Visibility

2023 - Present Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy board member.

2022 - Present Gaia Ambassador

2022 - Present RISE with Sid McNairy Podcast (on MJ Own Network) and TV show (on E360TV)

2016 - Present Featured Udemy Teacher

2011 - Present: Presenter at yoga festival and speaking engagements: Toronto Yoga Conference, lulemon (Towson, Baltimore, Georgetown, Tampa Florida, Lake Como Breathe Yoga Festival (Lake Como, Italy), Karma Fest, JW Brick Mental Health Foundation (Towson Maryland), Wanderlust Presenter; LoveLight Festival, Mystic Yoga Shala, Bala Vinyasa Yoga, Green Monkey Yoga, House of Yoga, York PA, Yoga Haus, Down Dog Yoga, Speaker X lulemon, Alberta Power Yoga (Alberta, CA), Jamaica Breathe Life Conference, Mya Tulum Baptiste Yoga Training (more upon request), Baltimore Ravens

2020 - 2022 George Washington University Men’s Basketball Mental Game Coach (Yoga, Meditation, Motivation)

2014 - 2017 Towson University Mental Game Coach (Yoga, Meditation, Motivation) (Men’s Basketball, Sofball, Gymnastics)

2012 - 13 Johns Hopkins University Women’s Lacrosse Mental Game Coach

2016-2019 4 time state champion Men’s Basketball State of Maryland: Mental / Yoga Coach Poly Technical HS Mens Basketball Creator of the Mind Field Meditation for athletes

2006 - Present Singer Song Writer (Nahi and Sid McNairy) Performances at LoveLight Festival, Mystic Yoga Shala, Union Stage (DC), TeaVolve (Baltimore, MD), Gypsy Sally’s (DC), York PA, Karma Fest, JW Brick Mental Health Foundation (Towson Maryland)

2008 - 2018 lululemon Ambassador

2008 - 2016 Maduka Ambassador

2008 - 2010 White House Yoga Teacher under the Obamah Administration

1992 - 2004 Collegiate Coach (Coached at Purdue University (Strength Coach) Eastern Illinois University, Northern Michigan University, Northern Illinois University, Morgan State University) Guided 23 players to NFL Carriers

1999 Noted as one of the Top 50 Up an coming Black Coaches in the USA

1995 Masters Degree From Eastern Illinois University in Sports Administration 

1993 Bachelors Degree from Purdue University in Movement and Sports Science

2004 - 2017 14 year yoga studio owner (Maryland and Florida)

College Soccer Player at Purdue University / 3 Marriages / 3 Kids (Sidney Archie McNairy IV, Trent “TD” David McNairy, Camille Olivia McNairy) 

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